When thinking about this film, several words come to mind: cliched, contrived, and confusing, to name a few. In most suspense thrillers, the audience finds itself yelling out advice to the main charac...
When thinking about this film, several words come to mind: cliched, contrived, and confusing, to name a few. In most suspense thrillers, the audience finds itself yelling out advice to the main charac...
1899年,一起意外事件驱使Mandie Shaw走出自己的小木屋,踏上一段艰险的旅程。她说服彻罗基族印第安人朋友指引她穿越北卡罗来纳的蓝脊山脉,去寻早他叔叔John传说中豪宅。但是当Mandie和她的“守护者”Jason Bond 到达时却得知叔叔已经在还难中失踪。不久一位自称是John的陌生人突然出现,原本艰险的旅程更加迷雾重重……...
去大公司面试成功的Jen(凯瑟琳·帕金森 Katherine Parkinson 饰)以为自己中了头彩,结果却被分配到了地下层的IT部门。部门里只有2个人,Moss(理查德·艾欧阿德 Richard Ayoade 饰)和Roy(克里斯·奥多德 Chris O'Dowd 饰),2个电脑方面的专家,生活常识类的怪人。对电脑一窍不通的Jen强装出一副精通的样子,惹出了不少笑话。...
IT部门依旧只有Jen(凯瑟琳•帕金森 Katherine Parkinson 饰)、Moss(理查德•艾欧阿德 Richard Ayoade 饰)、Roy(克里斯•奥多德 Chris O'Dowd 饰)三人。Jen依旧忙着寻找恋情,Moss依旧纠结着奇怪的问题,而Roy则总是和不可思议的事沾边。...