In the gripping psychological thriller "Bibi," a grieving woman, consumed by her own demons, must confront a relentless stalker who blurs the boundaries between nightmare and reality, forcin...
A boy is haunted by terrifying nightmares where a monster lurks inside the closet. To his relief, his father appears in the middle of the night helping him to face his fears. But the boy will begin to...
A supernatural thriller in which a hitman, facing an existential crisis, decides to exit the game and leave town with the woman he loves, but his plans are disrupted by a mysterious young man and his ...
A young journalist connects a couple of seemingly isolated high-profile deaths and is pulled into the orbit of a global cabal that counts media moguls, politicians, and Hollywood elites amongst its me...
Queenie Jenkins is a twenty-five-year-old Jamaican British woman living in South London, straddling two cultures and slotting neatly into neither. After a messy break up from her long-term boyfriend ...
A young woman tries to find her origins after having been abandoned as an infant at a cemetery wrapped in a cloth with satanic symbols, but as she gets closer to answers a malevolent spirit is telling...