'Villisca' is a ghost story set in the actual house of the notorious and still unsolved 1912 ax murders. Three outcast teenagers break into the house in search of answers, but discover something far b...
After a governor issues an executive order to arrest the children of undocumented immigrants, the newly detained youth are offered an opportunity to have their charges dropped by volunteering to provi...
“Chiang Can Dunk” centers on an Asian American teen and basketball fan who wants to be able to dunk, but he soon learns much more about himself, his friends and his family....
雅各布(Heio von Stetten 饰)是一位专门研究大情圣卡萨诺瓦(托马斯·海因茨 Thomas Heinze 饰)生平的博士,他撰写了一篇关于他的论文,准备将论文作为礼物,献给自己暗恋已久的女孩玛丽(约翰娜-科斯迪纳·盖恩 Johanna-Christine Gehlen 饰),哪知道,在这个节骨眼上,雅各布被这份论文砸到了头晕了过去,当他醒来时,面前站着一个中世纪打扮的英俊男子,男子告...
故事的主角是一个沉默的独行杀手(Isaach De Bankolé 饰),他永远只点两杯咖啡,在无聊的时候练习太极,不为任何诱惑所动。某日,他接受一项神秘的任务,随后启程前往西班牙马德里。在这里他必须和一个又一个联系人作单线联系,而联系的凭证便是红色或绿色的火柴盒。这些联系人中,有谨小慎微但热爱音乐的中年男子(路伊斯·托沙 Luis Tosar 饰),有打扮出众钟爱电影的白衣女子(蒂尔达·斯维顿 ...